Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

benefits of lemon zinger herbal tea

benefits of lemon zinger herbal tea For most people usually before doing the activity in the morning, they like to drink coffee or tea became friends mandatory to start the day.

Well, now you try to replace it with warm lemon water drink more properties. You can use a half piece of fresh lemon and a glass of warm water or cold according to taste.

The following are some of the benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning as in the reports of the page Fitnea.

     Supports immune function

Lemon contains antioxidant vitamin C, which is fighting in support of healthy immune function and may reduce the risk of respiratory infections. Ascorbic acid is the same as the Vitamin C found in lemon has anti-inflammatory effects and is used as a complementary support to asthma or other respiratory symptoms.

Lemon juice can increase the rate of urination in the body so it can indirectly help clean out toxins in the body and excreted in the urine.

A cup of warm water and half lemon juice indeed were really provide many benefits for the body. Doing this every day in the morning on a regular basis can change your experience. Do not be surprised if the next time you start to feel a change in your health.

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